Little Ellingham Village Hall is suitable for diverse events, including receptions, parties, committee meetings and club activities. Notable features are:
• 90 square metres of actual hall area, with minimum dimensions of 7.5m and 12m
• Well equipped kitchen
• Separate bar facilities
• Ample on-site parking area
• and a guaranteed friendly welcome.
Bookings can be from individuals or organisations, both on a long term basis or separate one-off events. We believe we have an exceptional facility and would encourage people to view it to discover what Little Ellingham Village Hall has to offer.
For further information about booking, please email

Honours Boards
The village school which closed in the 1960s/70s was acquired by the village for use as a village hall. However, it became very dilapidated and was demolished in 2003/04. The present village hall was built on the same site.
There are two honours boards situated in the foyer of the village hall which are all that is left of the former school.